
Formal AML/CFT warning issued to Westpac Banking Corporation

Kuru 2021. 8. 11. 21:14
뉴질랜드 중앙 은행은 오늘 Westpac Banking Corporation(WBC)의 뉴질랜드 지점에 테러 자금 세탁 방지 기준에서 요구하는 규정된 거래를 보고하지 않은 것에 대해 공식 경고를 발표했습니다.

AML/CFT 법에 따라 보고 기관은 규정된 거래(1,000달러 이상의 국제 전신 송금 포함)를 보고대상 기관들에 보고해야 합니다.

WBC는 모든 적격 국제 전신 송금을 감지 및 보고하지 못하는 방식으로 규정된 거래 보고(prescribed transaction reporting, PTR) 시스템을 설계 및 구성하여 2018년 7월과 2019년 2월 기간중 기업이 해외 수취인에게 보내는 8000건의 거래를 보고하지 못했습니다.

중앙은행, 특파원, 거래처 보고 및 거래 모니터링 조사 결과 발표

공식 경고는 중앙 은행이 모든 뉴질랜드 등록 은행의 환거래 은행, 규정된 거래 보고 및 거래 모니터링에 대한 조사 결과를 발표함에 따라 발생했습니다. 이 조사는 2019년 11월 호주의 AML/CFT 규제 기관인 호주 AUSTRAC가 Westpac Banking Corporation에 대해 제기한 혐의에 따라 시작되었습니다.

중앙 은행의 AML/CFT 감독팀은 법에 따라 예정된 현장 조사의 일환으로 Westpac New Zealand Limited와 WBC을 별도로 평가했습니다. Westpac 기업은 WBC의 PTR 실패에도 불구하고 다른 조사 부문에 대해선 충분한 절차와 통제를 시행하고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.

그러나 설문조사을 통해 이러한 절차 및 통제의 효율성에 대한 평가가 설문조사만으로는 결정할 수 없으며 나머지는 앞으로 중앙은행 현장 실사를 통해 일부로 이루어질예정입니다.

Formal AML/CFT warning issued to Westpac Banking Corporation

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua has today issued a formal warning to the New Zealand branch of Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC) for failing to report prescribed transactions as required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act 2009.

Under the AML/CFT Act, reporting entities are required to report prescribed transactions (including international wire transfers of $1,000 or more) to the Police’s Financial Intelligence Unit, Deputy Governor and General Manager of Financial Stability Geoff Bascand says.

WBC designed and configured its prescribed transaction reporting (PTR) systems in a way that failed to detect and report all eligible international wire transfers, resulting in it failing to report almost 8000 corporate transactions to overseas recipients between July 2018 and February 2019.

“This formal warning reflects the importance of the prescribed transaction reporting regime in building an intelligence picture across New Zealand’s financial system, and reiterates the seriousness with which we view non-compliance with the AML/CFT Act,” Mr Bascand says.

Reserve Bank releases Correspondent Banking, Prescribed Transaction Reporting and Transaction Monitoring Survey results

The formal warning comes as the Reserve Bank releases its findings from its survey of all New Zealand registered banks’ correspondent banking, prescribed transaction reporting, and transaction monitoring. The survey was launched in the wake of allegations made by Australia’s AML/CFT regulator Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) against Westpac Banking Corporation in November 2019.

Based on the survey responses received by the Reserve Bank, all banks surveyed appeared to have adequate processes and controls in relation to correspondent banking due diligence, prescribed transaction reporting and transaction monitoring regarding potential child exploitation.

Westpac New Zealand Limited and WBC were assessed separately as part of a scheduled statutory on-site inspection by the Reserve Bank’s AML/CFT Supervision team. Notwithstanding WBC’s PTR failings, the Westpac entities were also found to have satisfactory procedures and controls in place for the other surveyed areas.

However, the survey also found that an assessment of the effectiveness of these procedures and controls could not be determined from the survey alone, and going forward this will be covered as part of the Reserve Bank on-site inspection programme.

“The survey was a useful exercise to better understand current compliance with the Act by registered banks and will inform our more intensive supervisory approach,” Mr Bascand says.

More information:

Reserve Bank Correspondent Banking, Prescribed Transaction Reporting and Transaction Monitoring Survey Report (PDF 810KB)
Formal warning issued to Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC)
AUSTRAC Release: AUSTRAC and Westpac agree to proposed $1.3bn penalty, September 2020

출처 : https://www.rbnz.govt.nz/news/2021/08/formal-amlcft-warning-issued-to-westpac-banking-corporation